
  • 某個槍聲大作的午後,小女孩艾斯德蕾雅獨自返家,不僅苦等不回相依為命的母親,還開始見到一連串的異象。在恐懼驅…
  • 简没有想到,在度过了七年的美洲生活后,还能在外婆贝利太太的召唤下重返故乡埃尔维。更没想到的是,当她重新见到…
  • 一个生病的小男孩和一只受伤的鸽子的故事。法兰提塞·维拉席(战国英豪)的处女作。
  • Sledge hits you from the beginning with humor and originality. Opening with Assly's True American Horror t…
  • Trevor is a 16 year old, sometimes-violent skinhead with no regard for authority, and would rather spend h…
  • A grizzled derelict tells a quartet of horror tales to a trio of young campers. 一位无家可归的白发人给营地的三位年轻人讲述了四个恐怖…