
  • In sepia tones, the film moves back and forth among three periods in Robert Tucker's life: he's an old man…
  • Rome, June 1800, is ruled by fear, that is, republicanism collapses, and shifts to royalism. Scarpia...
  • 「俗话说家是一个人的起点,我们逃离家庭,尔后又回归其怀抱。」拥有近20人的巨大家族齐聚到小岛上,为了庆祝爷爷…
  • This story is about a musician, Natalie, who moves to a big city and tries her luck at becoming famous. An…
  • 在备受瞩目的电影《雷神之锤》(Thor)公映的当天,Syfy斗胆退出同题材的电视电影《无敌索尔》(Almighty T…
  • 伊萨克是一位为美国宇航局工作的年轻科学家,他通过工作中的一颗卫星意外地接收到来自太空的神秘信号,从而解决了…
  • A man's attempts to construct the ultimate romantic weekend backfire when his quest for perfection traps h…
  • 马戏团演员帕比与士兵倍明朗哥自战场回归后发现他们的家己面目全非,二人于是结伴而行;他们在帕比所偷的脚踏车上…