
  • 少女与继父不伦的情感,妻子对丈夫疯狂的依恋。丈夫在仕途疲累的奔波一圈套一圈。影片在心理悬疑的营造上暗流涌动…
  • 导演其实在开篇的旁白里就已经说出了故事的结局,电影是一出悲剧。但却是以喜剧的形式讲述的。 三名孤儿,安德列…
  • 夏洛特(米雪拉·库克罗瓦 Michaela Kuklová 饰)的父亲去世之后,家境一年不如一年,在修道院苟延残喘了两年之…
  • Set in Prague in 1953, this suspenseful crime drama follows honest police captain Hakl (Trojan) and his in…
  • 8/ 《植物园的狂欢》(Slavnost V Botanickej Zahrade/The Gala in the Botanical Garden,…
  • Although the title would indicate this feature has a religious theme, it refers only to men between the ag…