
  • Rakka was born with the ability to communicate with the spirits of the dead. This ability tortures h...
  • 意大利导演费德里克.费里尼的中期经典作《八部半》是其成熟高峰期作品,此后开始走向糜烂而至腐败,偏于肉欲放纵…
  • 1899年的巴西,废除奴隶制后不久,逝者的亡灵仍在世人间游走。对于苏亚雷斯一家的女人们来说,放弃特权并适应中产…
  • Facing her first Christmas as a single mother, Julie develops an unexpected friendship with an older neigh…
  • 2020年8月20日,俄罗斯反对派人物、反腐败活动人士阿列克谢·纳瓦尔尼身中“诺维乔克”神经毒剂后入院接受治疗。…
  • George Bryan Brummel, a British military officer, loves Lady Margery, the betrothed of Lord Alvanley...